PETROSEN is a public limited company with majority public capital created in 1981 following the second oil shock.Its capital is five billion twenty-one million (5,021,000,000) CFA Francs. It is 99% owned by the State of Senegal and 1% by the Société Nationale de Recouvrement (SNR).
PETROSEN is the instrument for applying the oil policy of the State of Senegal, in particular with regard to:
– research and exploitation of underground hydrocarbon resources,
– refining,
– storage, marketing and distribution of petroleum products,
– the transport of petroleum products,
– and industrial activities relating to the segments listed above.
PETROSEN carries out missions in the upstream and downstream sectors of the sector.
– Missions upstream of the sector:
Upstream of the sector, the missions are:
Assessment of the petroleum potential of the sedimentary basin;
The promotion of this potential with international oil companies;
Participation with these companies in highlighting this potential;
Technical monitoring and control of oil operations.
– Missions downstream of the sector:
Downstream of the sector, the missions are participation in association with the various segments of the sub-sector in order to reflect the strategic choices of the State.
Tel: 00221 33 839 92 98