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Thank you
Thank you for downloading the World Energy Capital Assembly agenda. You can access the agenda here.
The World Energy Capital Assembly, brings together the oil & gas and finance & investment worlds.
Develop your business strategy and hear directly from the industry's key decision makers as they discuss the following topics:
- Thriving in a Low Carbon Era – Investor Sentiment and Companies of the Future
- The Remarkable Rise of LNG – Growth Predictions, Infrastructure Investment and Project Financing
- Innovation in the Bond Markets – New Ways of Deploying Finance
- Perspectives from Portfolio Managers – Insights from other Industries
- Revolutionising Oil & Gas –Technological Innovations Disrupting our Industry
- Women’s Energy Council – The War on Talent
- Regional spotlights on the North Sea, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, Onshore North America, New Frontiers and MENA
For more information on how to get involved in the Agenda for the 11th World Energy Capital Assembly please visit the website or contact a team member below:
Pippa Brown
Director, EMEA
Speaking & General Enquiries
T: +27 21 001 3883
E: [email protected]
Amy Miller
Group Managing Director
Awards Dinner Enquiries
T: +44 20 7384 8063
E: [email protected]