Christine Batruch

Christine Batruch

Senior Strategic Advisor, Lundin Energy

Ms Batruch, a historian and lawyer, is based in Geneva and works in the non-profit and business sectors. Ms. Batruch is President of the Board of the Fondation Vidrodgenia in Geneva and of the Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Family Foundation in Kyiv, and member of the Advisory Board of the International Philanthropic Society in Stockholm. She is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of World Energy Law and Business and the Oil Gas and Energy Law Intelligence Journal. 

She helped establish non-profit institutions in Ukraine and was liaison officer and assistant professor at the International Academy of the Environment. As Vice President Corporate Responsibility at Lundin Energy, she is responsible for sustainability, environmental and health and safety strategy. She has spoken and lectured on international environmental, social and governance issues at international conferences, business schools and universities.