Heidi Huusko

Heidi Huusko

Corporate Responsibility | Climate Change and DRR | Government Affairs

Heidi Huusko joined the UN Global Compact in 2012 and now leads the UN Global Compact’s environment and climate portfolio, including partner relations. She is founding member of the Science Based Targets initiative (CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF) and is part of its steering committee. Heidi is part of the team who established the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing, Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy and has a vast experience in how to drive corporate ambition supporting UN goals and issues.

Before joining the United Nations Heidi was a civil servant in Sweden. As an Environment and Climate Advisor she established agency wide policies and trainings in humanitarian relief and disaster resilience and led several missions in disaster risk reduction. She also had her own consultancy firm building on her professional background in civil society organisations, where she had been working with human rights, poverty eradication and youth empowerment in developing countries. Heidi holds a Masters in Social Science: Business Administration and Ecological Economics. In the beginning of 2015 Heidi was posted in Liberia to work as an Advisor on recovery after the Ebola crisis.