Klaus Langemann

Klaus Langemann

SVP Carbon Management & Hydrogen, Wintershall DEA

After studying chemistry at the University of Bielefeld and at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, Klaus Langemann received his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Muehlheim an der Ruhr in 1997. After 3 years in research at BASF, Klaus came to Wintershall in Kassel in 2000. There he worked in strategy and coordinated the negotiations on Achimgaz. Back at BASF, he took on the role of Board Executive Assistant before being responsible for business development and M&A at Wintershall. After returning from the United Arab Emirates as General Manager in 2014, he held several positions in the technology area and most recently headed the Digitalization & Technology division before taking over the Carbon Management & Hydrogen division as Senior Vice President in May 2021.