Nelson Delgado,
Managing Director, ASOLMEX
Nelson Delgado is a power sector specialist with significant experience in the Wholesale Electricity Market and modelling of the National Power System in Mexico. Before joining ASOLMEX, he held multiple positions in the public sector. He was the General Manager of Wholesale Electricity Market Surveillance at the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), in this role he was responsible for the day to day monitoring and surveillance function of the Short-Term Electricity Market. Previously, he was the General Manager for Generation and Transmission of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy (SENER). He published the National Electric System Development Program (PRODESEN) 2018-2032, the Requirements for acquisition of Clean Energy Certificates (CEL) in 2021 (March 2018), and was in charge of the first bidding process by the Ministry of Energy (SENER) for private investment in transmission lines. Nelson holds a Master in Financial Optimization and a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).