Sinead Lynch
UK Country Chair, Shell
Shell is a company focused on being a world-class investment opportunity but also one committed to adapting and being part of the solution to one of society’s fundamental challenges: the need to decarbonise the energy system while ensuring a growing global population’s energy needs are met.
The UK is of vital importance to Shell, and it’s a real privilege to lead our business here. We have a strategic role in ensuring security of energy supply through our upstream, midstream and downstream businesses.
The UK is also a hub of creative and innovative thought and a key source of talent for our company. We leverage UK innovation by collaborating with a range of partners, from universities to start-ups to industry partners, to deliver our purpose of providing more and cleaner energy solutions.
We are currently focusing on ensuring our UK operations are run safely and sustainably – and we are pioneering decommissioning work in the North Sea with global firsts. We are also working on the development of mobility solutions to help transform the UK to a low carbon economy. We achieve results through partnerships, listening to what our customers need now, understanding what they will need tomorrow and preparing for their needs for the decades to come.
After joining British Gas in 1993, I held a wide variety of roles across business segments and disciplines. My time at BG Group culminated in joining the Executive Committee as EVP Safety and Sustainability. When the proposed combination between Shell and BG Group was announced, I took on the additional responsibility of heading the BG Group Integration Planning Team before moving into Shell and the role of UK County Chair