Brent Gilmour

Brent Gilmour

Executive Director, Quest Canada

As Executive Director of QUEST ‐ Quality Urban Energy Systems of tomorrow, Brent Gilmour leads the research, engagement, and advocacy activities for the development of Smart Energy Communities in Canada. Brent also oversees QUEST’s eight provincial and regional Caucuses and the Smart Energy Leaders’ Dialogue.

Brent was involved in the initial launch of QUEST in 2007 in his previous role with the Canadian Urban Institute's (CUI) in the capacity of Vice President, Urban Solutions. Prior to joining the CUI, Brent was the Strategic Coordinator responsible for the establishment of the University of Toronto's Sustainability Office (USO) and was an independent research consultant specializing in community energy innovation.

Brent is a registered professional planner with 14+ years of experience in community energy, transportation, and land use planning; downtown revitalization; community consultation & engagement; and, public infrastructure investment. Along with his work at QUEST, Brent has remained active in the industry and with the local community. Brent is an occasional instructor with York University, Osgoode Hall Law School and has served on several boards, including EcoSpark (formerly Citizens’ Environment Watch) where he is past chair and was the chair of Recent Graduates for Trinity College at the University of Toronto. Brent holds a Masters of Science in Planning from the University of Toronto, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto and is an alumnus of Massey College.