Carlos Morales-Gil
CEO, PetroBal
Carlos Morales-Gil started his professional activities at the Mexican Petroleum Institute, he later entered Petroleos Mexicanos in the E & P division where he was a reservoir engineer, production engineer and has occupied several posts as Manager of Production, Manager of Planning, Subdirector of the South Region, Subdirector of Planning, and since 2004 he has been appointed as General Director of Pemex E & P. In the private sector he worked for Solar Turbines of México and for the shipping company Transportación Marítima Mexicana. Currently, he chairs the Board of Directors of Compañía Mexicana de Exploraciones, S. A. (COMESA) and PMI Marine Inc. Furthermore, he is a Board Member of Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF) from Argentina, of PMI Comercio Internacional, of the Mexican Petroleum Institute and of Administración Portuaria Integral Dos Bocas.