Chris Murray

Chris Murray

Senior Advisor, Air Force Office of Energy Assurance

Chris is a strategic advisor and distributed generation developer. For over 20 years, he has specialized in energy issues at the Departments of the Air Force and Navy, the White House, the United States Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and as a business developer at an investor-owned utility. At the Navy, he received one of the highest civilian honors for helping develop 1 gigawatt of distributed generation projects at installations across the United States. On Capitol Hill, he helped secure $2B for advanced batteries to create a U.S.-based lithium-ion manufacturing base, and he drafted the original Cash-for-Clunkers bill that provided $3B in incentives to consumers to purchase new, fuel-efficient vehicles. At the Air Force, he led the federal government’s first-ever solicitation to procure resilient, clean electricity from onsite, utility-scale, geothermal facilities.