Denis Bonhomme
Vice President LNG, Total China
Denis Bonhomme, who holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin (USA) and a Diploma of the EM Lyon, started his career in the oil sector (Elf & TOTAL). He was Corporate Treasurer in charge of oil and gas assets financing for 5 years in Aberdeen and London (UK), and Business Development Manager in the Natural Gas Department, working on the development of LNG assets in Nigeria and power and gas assets in the Middle East.
He then spent 4 years at McKinsey, specializing in energy and financial assignments for clients in the energy and industrial sector, and 2 years in the retail industry, before joining SUEZ in 2006 as Strategy Director for the Energy Services business line. He was appointed in 2010 as Strategy Director for GDF SUEZ LNG, the LNG Business Unit of GDF SUEZ/ENGIE, then Managing Director and Senior Vice President Business Development Asia for Global LNG APAC, the TOTAL Gas and Power subsidiary based in Singapore.
He is now Vice President LNG for TOTAL in China, based in Beijing.
Denis Bonhomme拥有美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的MBA学位以及法国里昂高等商学院的文凭,他的职业生涯始于石油行业 (Elf & TOTAL埃尔夫&道达尔) ,在阿伯丁和伦敦 (英国) 担任了5年公司财务主管,负责石油和天然气资产融资。并在天然气部门担任业务开发经理,负责尼日利亚液化天然气资产和中东电力和天然气资产的开发。
在2006年加入苏伊士集团担任能源服务业务部门的战略总监之前,他在麦肯锡工作了4年,专门负责能源与工业领域客户的能源和金融任务,同时还在零售行业工作了2年。2010年,他被任命为苏伊士环能液化天然气 (GDF SUEZ/ENGIE的液化天然气业务部门)的战略总监,时任总部位于新加坡的道达尔天然气与电力子公司全球液化天然气亚太区的董事总经理和高级副总裁。
Denis will be speaking at the Asia Pacific Energy Assembly 2021, taking place online on 20 – 22 April 2021. Find out more here.