Dwi Soetjipto
Chairman, SKK Migas
Dwi Soetjipto is currently the Chairman of SKK Migas, a Special Task Force that governs all upstream Oil and Gas business activities in Indonesia, since 3 December 2018.
With 20+ years of experience as an executive in strategic industries in Indonesia. Previously he was President Director of Indonesia National Oil Company, PT PERTAMINA (2014-2017), President Director of PT Semen Indonesia (2010-2012), President Director of PT Semen Gresik (2005-2012), and President Director of Semen Padang (2003- 2005).
With more than 160 individual and company awards at national and international levels. In the Energy industry, Dr. Soetjipto was awarded Asia’s Best CEO at the 6th Asian Excellence Award 2016 organized by Asia's Corporate Governance Magazine.
Dr. Soetjipto is also an advisor to Pertamina University, a lecturer at the Institute of Technology Sepuluh November, and a guest lecturer at the University of Technology Petronas.