Faisal Bakar
Country Head for Mexico, Petronas
Faisal Bakar is the current Country Head of Mexico for PETRONAS. Prior to undertaking his current role he was the Head of Strategy & Portfolio for PETRONAS. He has also held many other positions within PETRONAS’ Upstream Business and its Affiliates.
In his early years in PETRONAS, Faisal started out as a geophysicist supporting the company’s exploration efforts in Yemen, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, and Mozambique. He then became the Executive Assistant to the Vice-President of Exploration and Production. Faisal was subsequently part of the team that was tasked in setting-up the newly-established PETRONAS Carigali Brunei Limited (PCBL). His stint in Brunei included tenures as the Geoscience Manager, Technical Head, and also as Country Head. He led the PCBL team in the maturation, selection, planning, and execution of a series of ultra-deepwater wells which resulted in a number of discoveries.
Faisal graduated from Michigan Technological University with a B.Sc in Applied Geophysics. He is married with two daughters, enjoys the outdoors, and is an avid History buff.