Gabriel Fal

Gabriel Fal

Founder, CGF Bourse

Gabriel FAL operates for many years in the financial markets. After his studies at the Canadian McGill University program, he joined the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, as Deputy Representative for West Africa. But Gabriel Fal spent the most significant moments of his banking career, between 1982 and 1995 with Citibank. He has been Head of the credit department of Citibank Dakar, Vice-president “Structured trade finance” at Citibank London and Regional Manager “Corporate” for Africa.

In 1996, as a member of the Technical Committee, Gabriel FAL contributed to start-up of the activities BRVM then he founded, in April 1998, the first licensed Investment Brokerage Firm in Senegal, CGF Bourse. This gave birth, in 2001, to a subsidiary called CGF Gestion, an Asset Management company. From January 2013 to June 2015, Gabriel FAL was Chairman of the Board of Director of the BRVM, the stock exchange of the WAEMU. He was also, from June 2013 to March 2017, the Chairman of the Board of Ecobank Senegal. He serves on several other Boards of Directors during his career. He has participated in important forums including the Presidential Investor Council of Senegal.