Jonathan Redfern
Chair of Petroleum Geoscience, The University of Manchester
Prof Jonathan Redfern is Chair of Petroleum Geoscience at the University of Manchester, UK, with 30+ years industry and academic experience in Petroleum Geoscience. Prior to joining academia he worked for 15 years with international oil companies Fina and Amerada Hess in Exploration and New Ventures across Europe, S.E Asia and North Africa. He is Director of the North Africa Research Group which was founded in 2000, and is sponsored by a consortium of oil companies (currently BP, Cairn, Repsol, Equinor, Woodside, ENI, Total, Shell, Mazarine Energy and Hunt Oil). NARG undertakes large integrated research projects to evaluate onshore and offshore petroleum systems, assessing the tectonic and depositional evolution. Together the team comprises over 15 research staff who have published over 50 papers. The group fosters collaboration with Universities across Europe and Africa, together with in-country government bodies such as Petrosen and ONHYM. He is a member of the AAPG, PESGB and a Fellow of the Geological Society.