Juan Carlos Zepeda Molina

Juan Carlos Zepeda Molina

President Commissioner, La Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH)

Juan Carlos Zepeda holds a B.A. in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), a Master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the University of the Warwick, and a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Georgetown where he studied for a Ph.D in Economics.
Within the Mexican hydrocarbons industry, Juan Carlos has worked for the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público-SHCP) and the Ministry of Energy (Secretaría de Energía-SENER).
Juan Carlos’ duties at the Ministry of Finance included: evaluating Pemex’s investment projects; designing the Pemex tax system; evaluating and providing follow-up on the Pemex budget and its finances and designing and setting pricing policies in the oil industry.
At the Ministry of Energy, he was Head of the E&P Department where he was in charge of technical evaluations of E&P projects.
In May 2009, he was appointed President Commissioner of the National Hydrocarbons Commission CNH (For its Spanish acronym) for a five year period. On April 30 2014, Congress appointed him as the CNH President for a second five year period.