Julio Balde

Julio Balde

General Secretary, AGC (l’Agence de Gestion et de Coopération)

Julio Mamadù Baldé is the Secretary General of the AGC (Joint Development Zone between Senegal and Guinea-Bissau) since 2003, under the supervision of the two heads of states (from Senegal and Guinea-Bissau).

Prior to joining AGC, Mr Baldé served as Head of Hydrological Department at the Ministry of Natural Resources in Guinea-Bissau from 1987 to 1991. After that he was appointed as National Director of Water Resources Management and then he served as National Officer for the Programme of Water and Environmental Sanitation at United Nations’s Children Fund-UNICEF. From 2000 to 2002, Mr Baldé was the Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment in Guinea-Bissau.

Mr Badé graduated as engineer in the field of water resources management at the Technical University of Dresden former DDR in Germany and he is specialized in Hydrological Forecasting at the University of California. He also holds a diploma in Marketing and Technology Transfer at the University of Clausthal-Zellerfield.