Richard Hewston

Richard Hewston

Principal Consultant, Environment and Climate Change, Verisk Maplecroft

Richard is a Principal Consultant and responsible for leading the development of Verisk Maplecroft’s climate risk practice. He helps investors, corporates and governments understand the multi-faceted transition and physical risks posed by climate change. Working closely with multinational companies across a range of sectors – including oil and gas, finance and retail – Rich delivers bespoke data-driven solutions that support strategic and operational needs.

Prior to joining Verisk Maplecroft, Richard spent 10 years in academia, developing, interpreting and communicating future climate projections, and working with a variety of stakeholders to manage and mitigate the risks posed by climate change.

Richard holds a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia, where his research focused on the implications of climate change on the insurance sector. As an undergraduate, he studied at the University of East Anglia and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, gaining a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science