Verisk Maplecroft data-driven solutions offer global scope, granular detail and singular insight into the primary political risk, human rights, economic and environmental issues impacting organisational resilience, sustainable sourcing and the investment landscape.
Over 15 years, Verisk Maplecroft worked hand-in-hand with the world’s most sophisticated brands to develop a unique portfolio of global risk analytics, expert insight and user-centric platforms. These resources enable the company to deliver a holistic evaluation of the key strategic, operational and reputational risks facing multinational organisations, their suppliers and the raw materials they source for any location worldwide.
By using their data and analysis companies gain a competitive edge in their decision making across critical functions of their business, including: business resilience, responsible procurement, compliance, market entry, security, sustainability, human rights due diligence and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investment.
1 Henry Street
United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 1225 420 000
Verisk Maplecroft Involvement with the Council
Asia Pacific Energy Capital Assembly
Returning to Singapore in June 2025
The APAC Energy Capital Assembly is one of Asia-Pacific’s largest and most influential energy investment events.