March 2019
Do you think Mexico is still an attractive region to do business in? Why?/ What makes Mexico an attractive region to do business in during 2019?
Mexico is a market of over 120 million people and very rich in natural resources, with strong companies, either on the private sector or the public one. Therefore, it’s an important country from an international point of view. Moreover, to boost Mexico’s economic and social development private investment (local or foreign) is needed.
If you could make one change to Mexico’s energy industry, what would it be?
Quicker decisions regarding the energy sector policy would allow investors to have a more stable framework and better conditions to make their investments decisions.
You will be speaking on the ‘UPSTREAM FINANCING AND CAPITAL RAISING IN MEXICO – LOCAL, INTERNATIONAL & ALTERNATIVE METHODS’ panel – what is one question you would like to debate with your fellow panelists?
Brainstorming on the alternatives to solve the financing problems of PEMEX and CFE. An out of the box thinking with all the stakeholders involved in the process to ensure that these companies can comply with their commitments and investment plans.
Can you share with us your strategic priorities for the next 12 months?
To help the industry to understand the new policy for the energy sector and assure them that a lot of opportunities still exist and are worth pursuing.
What is the best career advice you have ever received?
Be eager to learn and accept new challenges.