April 2018
What was the most significant business challenge you had until reaching your current position?
“But you are a woman”, they would say.
If you had to give advice to future women leaders in the Energy sector, what would it be?
Take the time to define what your “Ikigai” is (a Japanese tool that combines profession, passion, mission and vocation). And, from there, be yourself and focus on what you REALLY want. Make a plan to achieve your dreams. Being true to yourself, respecting and valuing other points of view, is always the best option.
What business policies / practical changes would you implement in your country to improve inclusion (not only gender, but religious, racial, sexual, etc)
I would work on improving open communication, where the ideas of all are valued. This generates a competitive advantage for the company; which allows it to adapt quickly to market changes. This can only can happen on a context of diversity (gender, religion, racial, sexual, etc.) Open communication provides the organization with more tools to face constant internal and external differences. Being able to talk about how to approach and face problem is an essential competitive advantage to obtain a successful result in the company.
At the practical level, an undersecretary or diversity and inclusion committee could be created; well organized to ensure excellent quality of management and a workable plan.