April 2018
What do you see as the key challenges facing the industry and in the region over the coming 5-10 years?
- Access to stable / regular sources of funding (debt & equity) to finance investments.
- Stability and impartiality of laws and regulations
- Provide international investors the assurance and the comfort that business is being transacted on a fair basis
Where do you see the opportunities for growth within the industry in the next 5 years and how is your company positioned to support these opportunities?
- Attract investors to participate directly in debt solutions for African producers, a project GFinance is actively working on.
- Development of the infrastructure for the distribution and consumption of locally produced gas
What are your main considerations currently when you look at investment opportunities in Africa? What makes Africa attractive for your business and what limits your appetite for investment in the African market?
- It is in my view one of the regions with the most diverse investment opportunities.
- The “political” risk is still a limit, including the risk of discovering later that unacceptable payments have been made in the past (for example to assist the obtaining of the Exploration License)
How important is the Africa Assembly as a meeting platform for the industry and what are you most looking forward to at the Assembly?
- It offers me a great networking opportunity. I look forward to meeting again with old friends and to meet the new faces active in the business.
- To get a feel of the market and of the main concerns of the different players
What game-changing discovery/ project/ technology is currently making waves?
- Blockchain
Name one interesting fact about you that no one would suspect?
- I am interested in contemporary art, including from young African artists.